Bowling Green, KY Wedding Photographers

Kathryn & Tim have one of my favorite “how we met” stories of all time, and it’s one of the sweetest things about them (aside from their absolutely adorable height difference). A few years back, Kathryn put a request out on Facebook for any information regarding her birth siblings, since she was adopted as a baby. Miraculously, the internet went to work and FOUND her brother (who was living in western Canada, so wild), and Kathryn was able to get in touch & finally build a relationship with her long-lost sibling. They made plans to meet in person, and so Kathryn bought her plane ticket from Nashville to Seattle. She had no clue that her future husband would be the random guy sitting next to her on that plane ride, who was on his way home to Seattle after some time in Nashville. BNA to SEATAC is a long plane ride, so they inevitably talked, then they clicked, then they exchanged numbers… and the rest is history, because now these two are tying the knot!
Their story is such a beautiful reminder of the grand mysteries & miracles of life. The universe truly does work in the craziest ways to bring us things we never knew we needed. I loved getting to spend the afternoon with these two at Lost River Cave, and then to my favorite secret spot out in the country for sunset photos. It’s truly an honor for us to get to document this chapter of their love story, and we can’t wait to say where else life will take them!