Bowling Green, KY Wedding Photographers
When so many thoughtful, small details, expressions, and moments come together perfectly on their own, it’s like a dream come true for us as photographers.
Neither Sarah nor David seemed stressed or anxious at all on their wedding day. Even during their full Catholic mass, they held hands, whispered, and giggled together. Finding that time to be lost in their own world together while the world carried on around them was the sweetest to witness. And don’t even get me started on the LIGHT in the church! The light coming into St. Joseph’s in Bowling Green is absolutely magical. Even the reception space (the BG Farmer’s Market building) was illuminated perfectly by the golden hour light.
All the dreamy lighting situations throughout the day (it’s everything!!)
Watching Sarah & David play with each other’s hands and exchange long looks during mass
Sarah dancing with some of her kindergarten students at the reception :’)