Morgan and John are tying the knot in Palm Springs later this year so they wanted to do their engagement photos close to home. Exploring their Cabbagetown neighborhood in Atlanta (and the beautiful nearby Oakland Cemetery) made for one of the most fun and unique engagement sessions we’ve ever done. It’s always really fun when a shoot feels less like work and more like hanging out with friends, and that’s exactly our case with Morgan & John. We cannot WAIT to celebrate with them and keep the fun going in California this November.
We felt a little kooky chasing these two around Atlanta with three cameras each (we brought several film cameras on top of our normal digital camera setup) BUT I think it was so worth it because these locations were just begging to be captured on film! Enjoy some of our favorites from their hybrid engagement session — see if you can guess which images are film and which are digital 😉

See Morgan & John’s Palm Springs Wedding Day HERE.